Please use the link to volunteer for the gift-shop.
Thank you!
If your child is not going to be present on Tuesday, June 4 to receive report card with teacher for next year, send a self addressed envelope on Monday, June 3. This information will not be given via phone due to limited office staff and hours.
Visit the Smart529 site to register for a very nice investment for your child's future.
Eastbrook Elementary extends a heartfelt THANK YOU to our school community! We're incredibly proud of our readers and grateful for your support, which made our fundraiser a success. Our students had a wonderful time reading. We can't wait to host another Read-A-Thon next year!
Thanks again,
Eastbrook Elementary
We're thrilled to announce that our Read-A-Thon is underway! We're counting on you to make it a success. If you haven't already, please take a moment to activate your child’s personal reader page by clicking on the following link:
It only takes a minute or two, and your support will greatly assist us in meeting our financial goals.
Thank you for your help in reaching our goal.
Eastbrook Elementary
The West Virginia Department of Education has notified all county school systems in West Virginia that there will be a planned internet outage on Tuesday, December 19, which may last up to 24 hours. At EES, we plan for no internet service on Tuesday, December 19. The outage will also affect school phones and other electronic/internet systems used at the school. EES will operate according to our normal procedures. There may be delays in returning emails or phone calls received on Tuesday. Please make sure you send any transportation changes in writing that morning as it is possible phones and internet will not work. Again, this outage applies to next Tuesday, December 19. Thank you.
The West Virginia Department of Education has notified all county school systems in West Virginia that there will be a planned internet outage on Tuesday, December 19, which may last up to 24 hours. At EES, we plan for no internet service on Tuesday, December 19. The outage will also affect school phones and other electronic/internet systems used at the school. EES will operate according to our normal procedures. There may be delays in returning emails or phone calls received on Tuesday. Please make sure you send any transportation changes in writing that morning as it is possible phones and internet will not work. Again, this outage applies to next Tuesday, December 19. Thank you.
Devonshire and Meadow Wood will be picked up by 1203 in the morning.
Bus Route changes 12/4-6/23 for Buses 1704 & 1606
(Scary Creek, Hedrick Rd & Joyce Rd. only)
12/4/23- AM- Bus 1606 Scary Creek Rd. stops can meet bus 1704
@ Hedrick rd./Scary Creek intersection bridge—6:39 AM
12/4/23- PM- Eastbrook Elementary 1606 Scary Creek ride bus 1704. Parents meet bus 1704 @ Hedrick/Scary Creek int. bridge—2:30 (+/-)
12/4/23- PM- WMS/WHS- 1606 Scary Creek ride bus 1704 will drop at Hedrick/Scary Creek int. bridge @ 4:00 (+/-)
12/5/23- AM- Bus 1704 Devonshire Appts., Greenbrier Hills Appt., Meadow wood estates students will ride bus 1203.
1704 -Hedrick Rd. beyond XX crossing & Hilltop Rd. can meet bus @ Hedrick Rd./Scary Creek int. bridge @ 6:40 AM
12/5/23-PM – Eastbrook Elementary- 1704 Regular run with time changes for Joyce Rd and Scary Creek Rd. Stops. (contact school for assistance)
12/5/23- PM- WHS/WMS- 1704 Regular run with time changes for Joyce Rd. & Scary Creek stops.
12/6-7/23- Bus 1704 & 1606 will run regular route and times
Just a reminder, we play outside! Please make sure your child dresses for the weather!
Reminder: We try to get students outside daily unless it is just too wet. Please make sure your child is prepared. If you need help with jackets, hats, gloves, etc. please let Mrs. Dillon know.
Congrats to October Leaders of the Month! These students show extreme leadership in Habit 2 -Begin with the End in Mind! Great Job!!!
To clarify. The informational meeting for parents k-3 is going to be September 26 at 6:00. There will be a volunteer training on the 26th at 5:30 and the 28th at 1:00pm.
There will not be an event on September 19.
Please use the signup links that were sent earlier to rsvp or decline.
Our phone lines are down. To reach us call 304-586-0500 ext 2300.
Thank you
If family members are coming in multiple cars, carpooling from the church will be greatly appreciated!!!
All K-2 students signed out after our performance will be signed out at classroom doors with the teacher.
Thank you!
Due to unforeseen circumstances, our trip to the nursing home will have to be canceled.
Our students would like to invite you to a performance on Monday, December 19th at 12:30 in our cafeteria.
We hope you can join us!
Dear Families:
Your student will be bringing home state assessment results today if he/she took the WV General Summative Assessment: grades 3-8, the WV Alternate Student Assessment: grades 3-8, or the SAT School Day exam for grade 11 last spring. In addition, you and your student will also be receiving an email with a link to a video score report for WVGSA or WV SAT only. The video link is being sent to the student email account and the parent email on file with your student. Please have your student check the student email account to find the link. Simply copy the link into your web browser and use your student’s birthdate to open the video score report. If you enter the birthdate incorrectly three times, the account will be locked.
If you do not receive printed score reports OR if you have difficulty opening the video report, please contact the school for assistance. You may also call the school if you need assistance in interpreting your student's score report.
Thank you and have a great day!
Mrs. Dillon
Good Morning,
You should have completed a survey regarding internet connectivity in your area. If you will be receiving a Hot Spot for connectivity, a written agreement will be coming home with your child today. Before the device can be sent home, you must sign and return the agreement. When you check your child's folder today, and you think you should be receiving a device, please sign the form and return it to school tomorrow.
If you have questions, please call Mrs. Dillon at extension 2311.
Thank you!
Bus change! Please listen carefully! Bus 1201 will pick up students at the first entrance of Crooked Creek. Bus 1704 will pick up the students on Teays Valley Rd. that normally ride 1203. If you have questions call the school.
The bus will not be running Blue Lick Road tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon.
It was mistakenly left off the bus change list.
Thank you!